Famous sentences about wine


The wine is good when the bottle is empty, and you are ordering another bottle of the same wine (L. Veronelli)

Life it’s too short to drink bad wines (J.W. von Goethe)

Wine is one of the most civilized things in the world and one of the most natural things of the world that has been brought to the greatest perfection, and it offers a greater range for enjoyment and appreciation than, possibly, any other purely sensory thing (H. Hemingway)

Sometimes wine is the liquid form of silence (L. Sepulveda)

God only created water, but men created wine (V. Hugo)

The soft extractive note of an aged cork being withdrawn has the true sound of a man opening his heart. (William S. Benwell)

wine is the intellectual part of a meal, meat and vegetables are only the material part (A. Dumas)

the only weapon that I can stand, it’s a corkscrew (J. Carmet)

a meal without wine it’s like a day without sun (A. Brillat-Savarin)

wine should be eaten, it’s too good to drink it only (J. Swift)

water divides men, wine joins them (L. Bovio)

a lot of happiness is in the man who was born where there are good wines (Leonardo da Vinci)

Wine is for the soul, as water is for the body (M. Soldati)

A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world (L. Pasteur)

Whisky? Nothing is more rude to drink. Civilized people drinks wine (Charlie Chaplin)